Ward 7 Member of the DC City Council Candidate

Veda Rasheed is a single mother, a practicing attorney, a former ANC for 7E01, and a lifelong Ward 7 resident. Her community is behind her like she's always been behind them, and she is ready to lead to bring the change we need as the next Ward 7 Councilmember.

As a native Washingtonian and a lifelong resident of Ward 7, Veda continues her lifelong work for the community that has poured into her for her entire life. Veda decided to remain in Ward 7 to raise her two boys here and has devoted her life and career to supporting her family, friends, and neighbors across Ward 7. As a single mother, Veda knows personally how women and their families are directly affected by decisions made by the people elected to represent them, and how bad policies can leave those most in need behind. Through Veda’s extensive volunteer, electoral, and professional experience, Veda has the practical experience to work collaboratively with groups, agencies, and other stakeholders across DC to address critical issues our ward and city face, including her policy priorities, which are public safety, education, economic development, and affordable housing. Veda's experience and the relationships she has developed have positioned her to hold our government and agencies accountable to Ward 7 residents. Finally, as a small business owner and practicing attorney, Veda continues to serve the Ward 7 community by winning justice for her clients.

Ward 7 deserves more, and Veda's experience and belonging to this amazing community she has always called home makes her the best candidate to chart a path forward. Veda is ready to lead to bring the change we need to Ward 7. To learn more about Veda and her vision for Ward 7, visit her website at www.voteforveda.com