WASHINGTON, DC, JUNE 13, 2018 — Announcing the winners from a preference poll held during a June 3 forum with candidates on the June 19, 2018 primary ballot for Mayor, At-Large and Ward City Council Members.

The winners of the preference poll are (Download and print this flyer to share or take with you to the polls on Tuesday!):

Delegate House of Representatives


At-Large Councilperson

  • Anita Bonds won 87% of the votes over Statehood candidate Denise Hicks 13%

Ward One Councilperson

Ward Three Councilperson: Mary Cheh won by Acclamation

Ward Five Councilperson

  • Joyce Robinson Paul won 56.5% of the votes over LaMonica Jeffrey, 21.5% and Gayle Hall Carley, 21.5%

Ward Six Councilperson: Lisa Hunter won by Acclamation

United States Senator: Andria Thomas won by Acclamation

National Committee Woman


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Download and print this flyer to share or take with you to the polls on Tuesday!

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DC Women in Politics is a diverse nonpartisan, nonprofit women’s leadership organization. Our mission is to increase the number of women elected to public office and to monitor their legislative and advocacy actions on issues that impact women and families. For more information about DC Women in Politics visit www.dcwomeninpolitics.org, follow us on Twitter @dcwomen_politcs, and on Facebook at: DCWomenInPolitics.